Monday, December 24, 2012

A Christmas Prayer

The holidays are a wonderful time that is specifically set aside to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Many of us are spending time with our families, eating, talking, laughing, shopping and worshiping together. The Christmas season is supposed to be a time of love, joy and peace. But I cannot help but to think about the multitude of people that are without. So many marriages and relationships ending, homes broken, children split between parents, family deaths, sick loved ones, homeless and impoverished families that don't have the luxury of enjoying the holidays the way that we do. The murders of Sandy Hook are still fresh in my heart and mind. It keeps me forever grateful and full of humility because I certainly realize that I could be out on the street with no food, no home and no one to care for me. I could be grieving the loss of my child or loved one. I just want to offer this prayer for those who may feel forsaken in some way.

Most kind gracious God, my Heavenly Father I come on behalf of your children; families, marriages and individuals. So many are hurting, abused, bereaved, sick, broken hearted, hungry, thirsty, homeless, depressed, confused, lonely, addicted, not in their right mind, and out of fellowship with you. God I ask that you comfort, heal, restore, revive, bring together, break addictions, feed, clothe, shelter and wrap your loving arms around each and every one of them right now in the name of Jesus. Please bing peace where there is confusion and chaos. Where there is hate replace it with your Love, Where there is depression God, elevate minds. Where there is sadness oh God, restore your joy! Mend broken hearts God, dispatch your angels to bring food, clothes, shelter and water to those in need. Most of all Lord turn stoney hearts to hearts of flesh and let the true reason of the season resonate in the hearts and minds of those that have broken fellowship with you. Those that are confused and don't understand what's going on in their lives bring revelation and calm. God I thank you for all that you have done and for all that you are doing! Thank you for placing your son Jesus in the womb of the Virgin Mary just so that a little nothing like me could have a chance. You are an awesome and mighty God, and I bless your name for truly you are worthy of all the praise, glory and honor! I know that your able to touch, heal, deliver and restore and I count it all done in the mighty name of Jesus. I rebuke every act of the enemy and cast him back into the pit of hell never to return! I speak it and believe it in the power and authority of Jesus Christ!

It is my hope that each person reading this is blessed, highly favored and walking in the authority of The Lord. In case you are hurting, struggling or going through, I hope this prayer reaches you and you are blessed, encouraged, lifted and your faith is restored. GOD LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU' LL EVER KNOW! And so do I!

Peace, Love, and many blessings to each of you! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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