Saturday, June 1, 2013

God IS ABLE to keep you from falling!!!!

This may not be popular, but it's on me, so I gotta say it. It bothers me to hear CHRISTIAN BELIEVERS say "Nobody's perfect", or "God knows we can't be perfect!". Yet we say, "God can do ANYTHING!" The creator of the Universe, maker of mankind, yet He cannot make me perfect. I think we use "Nobody's perfect" as an escape clause for when we want to do what WE want to do. What about, "If any man be in Christ, he is a NEW creation. Old things are passed away & ALL things become NEW." What God requires is a perfect HEART. By God, actions are WEIGHED. He knows our motives and intents. Sometimes the "action" may seem wrong or imperfect to us (man), but God looks at what motivates the action. Every thing is the Bible points to being like our PERFECT Creator. Can I do this of myself?? NO - but I can do ALL things through Christ that strengthens me. Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the HEART! We as Christians get so caught up in who is doing what, and what we look like that we forget to clean up our heart matters like, complaining, backstabbing, lying, manipulating, desires for control & power, anger, malicious intent, etc. Once we examine our hearts and receive overcoming power by the Holy Spirt, we CAN have a perfect Heart. Once the heart is perfected, then it will manifest itself in our life, our daily walk, our attitude, our speech, our decisions, our appearance, and every other aspect of our life. As we PERFECT one level, we move on to the next, just like a child in school. We've got to stop looking for an escape. God has equipped each of us as believers with the gift of His Holy Spirit, which empowers us to keep His Word. We don't have to do it alone. He never intended for us to do it alone. Our failure comes when we do things on our own. "Mark the perfect man; behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace." "Now unto Him that is able to KEEP YOU FROM FALLING & PRESENT YOU FAULTLESS..." Jude 1:24 We serve an ALMIGHTY GOD. Let's learn to take Him at His Word!!! Nuff Said! This is Angela and "IJS" Love ya!

Angela Glenn, Editor in Chief
the WORD... Publishing Co.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Sent to Encourage You!

There is nothing, no circumstance, no trouble, no testing, that can touch me, until first it has gone through God the Father, pass Jesus Christ, right through to me. If it has come that far, It has come with purpose, which I may not understand at the moment. But I refuse to panic, as I lift up my eyes to Him and accept it as coming from the throne of God. 

For some great purpose or blessing of my own- it may peirce me, hurt me, make me cry---- But no sorrow will ever overcome me, no trial will ever disarm me, and no circumstance will ever cause me to doubt the goodness of my God. For I shall rest in the Joy of Who my Lord Is! 

Much LOVE to all who recieve it! <3 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Join the movement! WORKIN' MY FAITH T-shirt campaign!

Women of virtue! Women of Faith! Express your FAITH for all to see. Win others with your reverent lifestyle not your HIPS and LIPS! As Christian women lets work our Faith! Get your Limited Edition FAITH tee and join the movement! Help WIFE SUPPORT spread the message of FAITH! Order yours today at

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Fruit of the Spirit WORD series- Self Control Pt. 3

I took a break from my Fruit of the Spirit series on SELF CONTROL as I was with family celebrating the home going of my dear aunt. I want to jump back in by discussing how to strengthen self control. As with most anything practice makes perfect. You don't become physically strong by sitting on the couch. You become physically strong by picking up weights and EXERCISING. The only way to gain strength spiritually to have self control or anything else for that matter is to EXERCISE it! Strength comes through obedience to God! Each time you obey God you gain strength. Remember which ever spirit you feed that's the one that will grow. So if you feed a spirit of anger and rage that's the spirit that will grow. If you feed a spirit of self control that's that spirit that will grow. 

The problem with us is that we don't truly believe and fully trust that God is who He says He is and will do what He said He will do. If we have been done wrong then we allow our selves to lose control in an effort to fight our own battle. Or if you suffer with depression its because you don't have the self control to ward off all the negative thoughts and emotions that are flooding your mind. Perhaps your lack of self control has caused you to become a workaholic; always working when your spouse and children need you to play your role in their lives. What ever area you lack self control in at the very root of it you'll find that you're lacking Faith and Trust in God. It's not up to us to fight our battles, it's not up to us to supply all our needs, there is no point in being overwhelmed by our struggles and disappointments when God said the battle is His, He will supply ALL our needs and ALL things work together for the good of them that Love Him. 

When we come to a full understanding of who God is and when we fully trust that He will do what He said He will do, when we EXERCISE obedience to Him and we keep our minds stayed on Him then self control will be a natural habit.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Do you have consumer or gardener mentality?

Here in America, most people have a consumer’s mentality. When a consumer buys a product and brings it home and realizes there is a problem with it, he or she takes it back. Often couples bring a consumer mentality into their marriages. Of course, the devil loves to point out your spouse’s flaws and problems because he is the accuser. To keep your spouse’s faults from overwhelming you and damaging your marriage, you must adopt a different mentality. The gardener’s mentality. A true gardener doesn’t accuse the seller or reject the plant. A gardener takes responsibility to do what is necessary to restore the plant to health. Asking “I wonder what I could be doing that would cause this problem?” Or, “I wonder what I can do that will fix it and restore it to health?” We can all thank God that Jesus has a gardener’s mentality toward us. If you are a consumer, you are most likely impatient and frustrated with your spouse’s problems. Talking no responsibility to nurture your spouse or redeem the situation. If you are a gardener, you see the problems in your spouse but view them much differently from a consumer. You are optimistic about them getting better and are proactive and positive. Your caring behavior gives your spouse encouragement and love. Prayer and obedience become God’s tools for redeeming your spouse. Are you a gardener or a consumer? ~Inspired by Jimmy Evans

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Fruit of the Spirit WORD series- Self Control Pt. 2

Day 2 of our study on self control is found in 1 Thessalonians 5:8-9. But let us who live in the light be clearheaded, protected by the armor of faith and love, and wearing as our helmet the confidence of our salvation. For God chose to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour out his anger on us. (1 Thessalonians 5:8, 9 NLT)

I Thessalonians 5:8 says those who profess your self to be a Christian (live in the Light) BE CLEARHEADED! Don't allow circumstances to cloud your mind, don't let anger cloud your mind, don't let self-righteousness cloud your mind, don't let unforgiveness cloud your mind, BE CLEARHEADED! Use your armor of FAITH and LOVE to protect and surround you! The key to having self control is to remain focused on God at all times. If my focus is consistently on making my FATHER smile and keeping in mind that His Word tells me to LOVE you and treat you right no matter how you treat me then I can keep self in control! If I elevate my Faith in my Father and trust that no matter what my surroundings are, God will provide, protect and elevate me I can keep self in control.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:9 you'll find the example: God said I maintained my self control by choosing to save you rather than pouring out My anger up you! THANK GOD FOR GRACE AND MERCY! He is our example! When you want to lose it all and let your spouse or other persons have it think of the example God laid out for us. That is why He told us in Isaiah 26:3 (KJV) Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Fruit of the Spirit WORD series- Self Control

You guys unanimously shared that self control was one of the attributes you struggled with most. In tonights discussion I will talk about what self control is and why its needed. This topic will continue the rest of the week. You can access it here or on my blog. I will place the link in the comments. Ask questions as you see fit. I will answer as many as I can.

Self control means regardless to my situation, surroundings, circumstances or human influences nothing will make me step outside of myself. I control my responses and I take responsibility for my words and actions. The mention of the term self-control undoubtedly brings to mind different images for people depending on their particular circumstances. Many probably think of combating dominating habits that can range from the simple to the more complex and debilitating. It may be as simple as a poor diet or a tendency to overeat at Thanksgiving, or talking too much. It may also be something more serious like chain smoking, drunkenness, drug abuse, sexual sins, a quick temper, a pattern of exaggerating or lying. Others may think of tendencies toward losing control and becoming abusive. Yet others need self-control because they are lazy or have poor work habits while others are workaholics and need self-control to back off and learn to relax.

Regardless, self-control is very much related to maturity or lack there of. One of the basic characteristics of infancy is a lack of self-control. Not only do babies need diapers, they must be carried because they lack the necessary control and muscle coordination to sit up much less walk or run. If a baby is healthy and normal, in time they will develop more and more self-control—a sure sign of growth and maturity.

The importance of self-control can be seen in the news media which graphically portrays how the lack of self-control, because of man’s various inner cravings, impact our society for evil. Plainly, when men and nations turn away from God (knowingly or unknowingly) and seek significance, security, and satisfaction through the desires of the flesh, it leads to a blatant absence of self-control. This will then manifests itself in hundreds of ways with devastating results on individuals, families, and on society as a whole. Imagine the state we would be in if Jesus had lost His self control while up on that cross. Now imagine the damage we do when we lose ours and the effect it has on our relationships, families, churches, children and society.

Monday, April 1, 2013

AGAPE LOVE- The true Foundation for marriage

Love is an important key in making marriage and other relationships work. If we are honest with ourselves we'll find that we don’t have the ability to really Love without the power of the Holy Spirit working through us. Our capacity to Love is based on God giving us the ability, supernaturally, when we surrender to Him. Those who don't know God can't Love God's way.

God's Love is Agape Love. Agape Love is stable, predictable and does not change. It's the only Love that can provide a lasting Foundation for marriage. Generally when people say they Love its from a sexual or selfish desire. Those feelings do not last. They change with time, circumstance and situations. That is why there are so many more "baby momma's"and "baby daddy's" than husbands and wives. And so many more divorces than lasting marriages. Agape Love is the committed, sacrificial Love Jesus modeled for us. When Jesus tells us He loves us, He isn’t talking about a feeling that comes and goes. He is telling us He is committed to us forever whether His feelings for us are positive or negative.

When you say “I love you.” Are you saying that you are experiencing a fleeting feeling, or are you saying you are committed forever and will demonstrate love regardless of bad feelings or negative circumstances? It isn’t wrong to express a feeling, just be sure when that feeling isn’t there anymore, you can still say, “I love you,” and do the right thing regardless of the situation. The most dependable people in relationships are those who surrender to the Holy Spirit. They are empowered by a supernatural Love that will do the right regardless! God’s agape Love is the highest form of Love and it will transform any person, relationship, or marriage under its influence.

Friday, March 8, 2013

We are stronger than we realize!

I've never thought of myself as a soldier. As a matter of fact for a large part of my life satan made me believe that I was to weak to handle much of anything. That's how depression bound me in the first place. When I look back at all the things that broke my heart, shook my foundation, tried to make me lose my mind and make me want to quit I realize I AM A SOLDIER! I made it through! Not only did I make it through, but every trial, every pain, every heartache, every disappointment, every failure made me stronger and wiser! I really am strong!! NO NOT ME, the GOD IN ME!! I used to despise my trials, I used to hate myself for some of the things I've done, but no more! I've been going through something the past week and I began to wonder why me. But God spoke very clearly to me yesterday and He said "I know you can handle it, that's why you! I'll never give you more than you can bear, but you're stronger than you realize so I give you more." Knowing that made me stand up, square my shoulders and say ok God I trust You! And I believe that whatever I have to face you'll give me the strength to go through! I hope this encourages you the way it encouraged me. Don't despise your trials and please don't fear the trials to come. Square your shoulders, HAVE FAITH, and BELIEVE that God will never give you more than you can bear. You really are stronger than you realize... NO NOT YOU, the GOD IN YOU!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Should women submit? MY RESPONSE!

To submit to anyone less than Christ is difficult in a marriage. Yet it is Christ who commands women to be submissive to their sinful, fallible husbands. In this sense Christ is the silent partner of the marriage. It is hard for a wife to submit when she disagrees with her husband. But when she knows her submission is an act of obedience to Christ and honors Christ, it is much less difficult. ~ R. C. Sproul

On my Facebook page I asked what your beliefs are about submission. I read many different beliefs and opinions, here is my response to it all.

The Word says Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. (Ephesians 5:22-24 KJV). The Word of God is the standard. It is the authority upon which I base my beliefs. This scripture says to submit to the husband as unto The Lord in EVERY THING. Even though there is mutual submission in marriage, she submits to his lead he submits to her need, the wife still has the greater responsibility to submit. The husband should be the final authority in the household.

While it is the hope of most women that the husband seeks and is lead by God and that he ultimately submits to God, that is not always the case. The condition upon which God gave for us to submit is " IN EVERY THING". The Word does not say only submit if you agree, or only submit if it makes you comfortable, or only submit if it benefits you, or only submit if your husband is submitting to God, it says submit in EVERY THING. The only time submission is not required is when what your husband is asking you to do is in direct opposition to the Word of God. SIN!

So many women have become so accustomed to running the household (because many have to), because many men are out of their place which has caused us to get out of ours. This shift has caused us to get away from what God has commanded us to do. And many feel justified because of the nature of the situation they are in. We are breaking down our bodies, causing ourselves unnecessary stress, inviting disease, bringing on heartache and heartbreak, and sending ourselves to a early grave because we are out of place and in some cases not at all willing to be submissive to a man.

Submission is a difficult subject because it makes one "feel" powerless. But being powerless simply means God I give myself totally and completely over to you and I trust you totally with my life and with the heart of my husband. It is most helpful also to remember that I am not submitting to my husband, I am ultimately submitting to Christ! And I submit to Christ because I love Him with my whole heart. My inability to submit to my husband shows my true inability to submit to Christ.

Women are much more powerful than we give ourselves credit for. I know most of you think the power is in the sexual organ between your legs, but that is not what I mean. IF WE DO OUR PART REGARDLESS TO WHAT OUR HUSBAND DOES and fast and pray for our husband we will see change in our marriages beyond belief!!! In my first marriage I submitted only when it was comfortable, or beneficial for me. And I took on far too much of the role of a husband than a wife. When I married the second time over and over my husband and I bumped heads in that same area for the first year. Once I relinquished control, got in my place, lined myself up with the Word of God, fasted and prayed, everything I was "so called" fighting for  began to work in my favor.

PRAYER! PRAYER! PRAYER! PRAYER! PRAYER! That's your power! Do your part regardless to what your husband does! Obey God and leave the consequences to Him! You'll be amazed at the change you'll see.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Breaking the cycle of hurt and anger begins with YOU!

One of the greatest problems in relationships and in the world in general is that people do not take responsibility for their own actions. The first thing that most people do when they "feel" attacked is point the finger and retaliate. The idea that if you kill my dog, I'm gonna kill your cat is an idea that most of us have bought into at one point or another. Most people never realize that the cycle of hurt and anger can be ended with a response of Love. Instead marriages end, relationships are dissolved and homes are destroyed because no one wants to stand up, take responsibility and break the cycle.

In my first marriage my then husband did many things that hurt and disappointed me but what I intended to be ONE act of retaliation ended up lasting for SEVEN years. And resulted in the dissolution of my marriage. How many times have you heard the saying "two wrongs don't make a right"? If your husband treats you wrong and you respond with wrong doing you are both WRONG! And when you stand before God on judgement day He isn't going to ask you what did your husband do to you? He's going to ask how did you respond to it? The Word says in Matthew 5:46 KJV For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? If you only love those that love you, if you only treat people with Love that treat you with love, if you only love and respect your spouse when he love's and respects you WHERE IS THE REWARD IN THAT? The reward is in Matthew 5:11-12  KJV Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. We have to get out of our comfort zone and stop being lead by our emotions, stop allowing satan to fool us and rule us. God didn't tell me to retaliate he told me to rejoice. He told me to Love unconditionally just like He Loved me unconditionally.

So many couples would still be together today if they had the Love that God has outlined for us in the scripture. I know so many people that have dealt with infidelity, in there marriage, and they say they cheated because their spouse cheated; he doesn't spend any time with me so I'm not spending any time with him, he doesn't ever do anything I like to do so I'm not doing anything he likes to do, he didn't buy me a gift so I'm not buying him one, he won't help me around the house so I'm not helping him do anything. How can the cycle end if nobody stands up and responds with Love. When will we come to the point that no matter what you do to me, I'm going to do what's right because that's what God told me to do? You' ll be surprised at how your relationship will change. You never know, God may be using YOU to convert your spouses heart. But as long as you both are acting a fool no one sees God in no one. When you respond in Love you teach your spouse how to respond in Love, and when you both are responding to one another in Love then your marriage can grow.

You may say its easier said than done. And you're right it is. Like anything else it takes practice, you have to work at it daily. You also need the power of God, its not something that you can do on your own. Perhaps this visual will help you: You and your husband are arguing and he is being unloving and unkind and you are responding with disrespect and anger, then suddenly just over your husbands shoulder you see Jesus. Would you continue yelling disrespectful, angry words? Regardless to what your husband is saying would you continue or would your attitude change? Did you know that He is standing there all the time? And you know what He is saying? "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."* No matter what we do, whether good or evil we are not doing it to that person, we are doing it to CHRIST. When you respond to anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, infidelity, disrespect, lies, hurt, unkindness, deception, resentment, evil and negativity with Love, your aren't doing it for that person, you are doing it for Christ out of your LOVE for Christ. We have to pray for Holy Ghost power because we cannot do this of ourselves. It takes the power of God!

Some thoughts and inspirations for this blog post came from: The Love and Respect Experience by Dr. Emerson Eggrichs

*And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. (Matthew 25:40 KJV)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Valentine's Day Prayer for the broken hearted

Heavenly Father, I pray for the broken hearted. God touch right now those that are searching, needing, and yearning for Love. Comfort the hearts of those that are lonely, and feeling unloved. God restore those marriages that are broken, strengthen that single mother struggling to care for her household all alone, heal that wife that is abused and abandoned, God bring peace to that wife that is waiting for her husband to return from the war, make provision for the wife who's husband is unemployed, be a husband to the single woman and the woman waiting for her husband to Love her as Christ Loves the church. God remove their focus off of this man made holiday and place it on you. Restore the joy, bring peace, elevate faith and fill us with your unconditional Love. Comfort the hearts of these women. I rebuke satan and every chain of bondage he brings! God move on today as never before. Be a comforter, be a healer, be the Lover of our soul, in the matchless name of Jesus! Amen.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lay down and take it or stand up and fight!

In my quiet time earlier today I was praying and God reminded me of some things I want to share with you. As I've stated before my number one goal is to encourage you to have faith in God no matter what it looks like in your storm. However I keep getting responses like, you don't know how hard it is, you don't know what I have been through. Well I beg to differ. At age 18 I got pregnant in my first semester of college, and 4 months after my son was born I was pregnant again. That sent me into my first depression. After moving back to Michigan from South Carolina, my family of 4 lived with my parents in a 2 bedroom apartment for 4 years where I got pregnant again and was fired from my job for being pregnant. That brought on depression number 2. Experiencing emotional and sometimes verbal abuse caused me to be clinically diagnosed depressed for the first time. Being divorced after being cheated on and cheating, and going through Hell I was diagnosed depressed again! I fight depression every single day! Am I perfect NO! Do I lose some days YES! But I get up the next morning and I fight even harder. Here is my point, whatever feelings, emotions, situations, or issues you feed that's what will grow. As long as you justify your depression, your anxiety, your stress and your fears they will consume you! The moment you take a stand and say I will bless The Lord at all times, I will not be defeated, my faith will not be shaken today, just watch how that thing turns around. We've all been through the fire. But fire purifies us so we can be fit to be used by God! You have to change your perspective! You should not be consumed by the storm if the creator of it is your Father.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Losing in order to GAIN!

So often we have heard the saying you have to lose in order to gain. We often apply this to dieting or weight loss methods. Losing weight to gain better health. Or we apply it to relationships in the physical realm. Shedding negative people or relationships in order to make room for positive people or positive relationships. But I propose that we apply this to our spiritual relationship with Christ.

The Apostle Paul was a very poignant example of giving up everything so that he might gain Christ. Paul said: But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; (Philippians 3:7-10 KJV) Paul took all his degrees, his knowledge, and his accolades and counted them all as dung, as trash, that he might gain Christ. He wanted to KNOW Christ!

I think about myself and how I thought I knew Christ because I was born and raised in the church, I went to church 3-4 times a week, I was a preachers kid, I didn't wear pants and didn't do this and didn't do that. But that wasn't knowing Christ! Because in all that, I couldn't forgive my enemies, I didn't love as Christ commanded me to, and as long as I thought nobody saw my sin I thought I was saved. I often tell my husband I used to know what love was, now I know what love does! I thought I knew Christ but it wasn't until I lost a lot of things that I came to truly KNOW Christ!

Not only did I leave my job, my home, my hometown, my children, my family, and my friends. But I had to leave sin behind! I had to lose my self righteous attitudes, perceptions, thoughts and ideas, my self righteous emotions, feelings, habits, principles, and ego. As well as some relationships and some intellect and qualifications that I thought made me who I am! My husband and I NEVER could have made it this far if we had not gotten rid of our individual egos, perceptions, expectations, self righteousness, so called knowledge, ideas and principles and made room for Christ to dwell in us and in our home. As long as our home was filled with our way of doing things Christ stood on the outside of the door waiting for us to let Him in.

Sometimes our fine house, car, bank account and Ivy League education aren't the only things that separate us from Christ. It's sin! It's time to give up our self righteousness! Our habits, emotions, addictions, ideas, attitudes, perceptions and egos need to be lost and counted as trash so that we can gain Christ! God wants to posses and dwell in our entire being! And he can't reside in us if his space is cluttered with self righteousness! Some things just don't matter when compared to the benefits of knowing Him and gaining eternal life!

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21 KJV)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Meet Gwen Owens-Relationships Start With You

Meet Gwendolyn Owens, founder of Relationships Start With You. She is another living testimony of God's power to save, heal, deliver and use us to bless some body else! Gwen started Relationships Starts With You out of a desire to help women who are struggling with low esteem, poor body image and unhealthy relationships. Here is her story….

I was married for 14 years and my ex-husband decided that he no longer wanted to be married to me. Needless to say, I was in shock. I begged him to stay for the children but that was not an option. I cried a thousand tears. I was angry, hurt, disappointed and numb. Did I do something wrong? Am I not attractive anyone? I felt that my life ended that very moment. I went through depression and withdrew from my family and friends. All I felt was pain. My life spiraled out of control. Was I not good enough to be loved by him?

I eventually moved in with my parents. The adjustment of being an adult child going back home was rough. I was disappointed and felt like a failure. When he would pick up the kids, I would look out of the window and cry. My family unit no longer existed.

I was going through the motions. My children needed me but I struggled to be a good mom. Again, all I felt was pain. I cried out to God and asked, “Why me?What have I done to deserve this?” I would read a scripture every night and place my bible under my pillow. I asked myself ,”how do I go on?”

I was a junior in college and it took everything in me to get up in the morning, get dressed, take my teenage children to school and then head to class. I cried every time I went to my New Testament class (a pre-requisite at the private college I attended.) and at the end of the course my professor said to me,”Whatever you are going through, if you release the pain, then you can allow God to heal you and make you whole. I cried all the way to my car.

One morning my dad came in my room and said, “Baby, you have to pull yourself together and let go of the pain. You have to move on so that you can continue to raise your children. You all need each other.” I heard him but it did not penetrate in my spirit. I wanted to know how God allowed this to happen after all, my children and me would pray every night for him to change his mind and return home. My children were devastated and I could not fix the problem.

As the years went by, I thought that I had forgiven him, But, if my children came to me with something negative or a thought flashed, or someone would pass by wearing the same cologne, the pain would resurface. I finally reached a point that I was ready to truly forgive him. I cried but it was not from pain but tears of joy.
I allowed God in and He touched me and made me whole. Fifteen years have passed and today we are friends. I forgave him because I wanted to move on with my life and I no longer wanted to suffer.

Today, I am happy and whole. In 2008, I met a wonderful man who swept me off my feet and he is my best friend. We married June 20, 2009 and I packed up, said my goodbyes and moved to Atlanta, Georgia.

I promised God that I would be transparent and help others who are going through the same thing. God is love and He know what’s best for us. This is how Relationships Start With You came into conception.

You can heal and forgive from a relationship break-up. I did.

Follow Gwen and Relationships Start With You on Facebook at also check out her blog and website and

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Daily Prayer for WOMEN

Most Holy and all wise God, first God I want just say thank you for all you've done and for all you are doing through this ministry. Today I come before you on behalf of every wife and woman that is connected to this page. God I ask that you help us to be exactly what you have called us to be. Give direction God where there is confusion about what your will is for our lives. God cast out insecurity, remove doubt, calm emotions, break addictions, heal every manner of disease, where wombs are baren, God make them fruitful. Increase faith, restore joy, and help us love and reverence our husbands as you have commanded us to. Empower us with your spirit, helps us recognize satans vices, and open our ears to your voice. Bathe us in your anointing, give us confidence to speak over ourselves and the words to speak life into our husbands. Give us patients to wait on your timing. Convict and convert the hearts of our sisters that are lost, and rebuke satan in the name of Jesus! God I thank you and I praise you for I know your love has no limits. Although we are flawed vessels we are your vessels, use us for your glory alone! In Jesus name I count it done!

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Has your spouse ever done something that hurt you and made you feel unloved? But after discussing it you discovered that was not at all the intention behind his action. My husband and I are from completely different worlds. Where I'm from almost everyone has a hidden motive. Trust is hard to come by and you always have to listen for the hidden meaning in a persons words. If their actions don't line up with the words they speak then it is assumed that they don't have your best interest at heart. My husband on the other hand comes from a place where everybody helps everybody. They will give all they have to help you, even if it means they go lacking. And you better take it! The only motive they have is love. I'm from the big city where you ALWAYS have to watch your back and he is from the small country where EVERYONE has your back. Our individual culture and environment colored the glasses we view the world and EACH OTHER through.

My husband always sees the good and gives everyone the benefit of good will and doesn't expect that there is any negativity unless it is expressed. My environment wasn't conducive for me to catch the revelation of goodwill, so when my husband does something that doesn't line up I automatically look for the negative intent.  Understanding good will for me meant that in my relationship even though my husband may do things that don't seem like he loves me or feel like he loves me I give him the benefit of good will because I know his intention was good. God gave me a God fearing man, one that strives daily to love me like God commanded him to. And while his actions may sometimes miss the mark, or I may misinterpret his actions, that speaks to our flawed being and not to his love and good will or good intent towards me!

Think of it this way, we are created in God's image therefore we carry his DNA. When we accept Him He gives us a new heart (His heart) and a renewed mind. So we take on God's nature. God's intention toward is always good. It doesn't always look good and it certainly doesn't always feel good but it works for the good!

Giving my husband the benefit of good will is huge for me. It changes the color of the glasses I view him through, it's a complete change in perspective! Just imagine how many arguments, hurt feelings, and emotional roller coasters can be avoided by having this perspective. Rather than automatically seeing the negative and being hurt, this perspective automatically says, even though that didn't seem loving I know he isn't trying to hurt me. Then I can go to my husband and say I know you have good will towards me but when you did what you did it didn't portray your intention so can you tell me what you meant by what you did. <<< That's a game changer! Because it closes the door to arguments and negativity. It's one more way to take away the vices satan uses to come between husbands and wives!

We often don't realize how our background and environment shapes us and causes us to react to things in certain ways. I can't stress enough the importance of being completely open, free and flexible to God. Don't be boxed up and rigid and unwilling to change. Just because you've been doing something a certain way all your life doesn't make it right. When God gives fresh revelation allow it to penetrate your heart and change your perspective. You'll be blessed beyond measure.

"Good intentions don't always produce good behavior! Make every effort to let your actions portray your heart"!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Have faith in God! Whatever you do DON'T QUIT!

A few posts ago I talked about asking God for confirmation that the man I was in a relationship with was my husband. I fasted, I prayed and I asked God for a sign to show me if this man was for me. God confirmed that he was indeed my husband and we got married. I couldn't have been happier because I knew without a shadow of a doubt that this was God's will for my life, and nothing meant more to me than being in God's will.

Time past and the honey moon phase ended far sooner than I ever expected it would. My husband and I were from to completely different worlds and we couldn't agree on ANYTHING seemingly. The arguments grew worse and worse and the tears flowed more and more! Never in my wildest dreams did I expect for things to be this way. I kept fasting and I kept praying searching for an answer. Then I began to question if God truly said what He said. Was it my imagination? Did God truly confirm that this man was for me? Did I miss something? Am I going crazy? Why would God put me in this kind of situation? I was doing everything God told me to do why was he punishing me? Why wasn't he answering me? Why would he send me here and leave me by myself? I had so many questions and NO answers.

I was at the end of my rope and I was ready to go and God said very clearly "...having done all to stand, STAND THEREFORE! There was no mistaking that He was talking to me or what He said! God began to speak and ironically He used my husband to enlighten me. He said why would you pray for something, and God bless you with it and show you that this is His will for you and then you abandon it because it didn't meet your expectations? 

Many times we look for God and when He doesn't come the way we think or, in the amount of time we think He should, we give up and throw in the towel. God knew exactly what He was doing in choosing my mate for me. God knew my personality, my comfort zone, and my unrealistic expectations that didn't line up with God's Word! God took me out of my comfort zone and aligned my thoughts with His Word. But He never could have done that if I hadn't taken my eyes off of my situation and placed them on Him and what He was trying to do in me. I am willing to bet that I grew more in two years than I have in my whole life. And that growth prepared me for this day. I almost gave up! I almost abandoned one of the greatest blessings of my life, but I thank God for the ability to hear is voice and a willingness to obey! 

Growth doesn't come from everything being smooth and easy. It comes from friction, trials and trouble! The good news is that God has a purpose and a plan for it all, and that plan works together for your good! Furthermore regardless to what it looks like, feels like, or seems like God said He will NEVER leave you or forsake you and never means never!! 

Go through the storm, go through the test, go through the trial, whatever you do DON'T GIVE UP!!! And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. (Galatians 6:9 KJV)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Prayer for the New Year

Today I pray for marriages! God first begin with husbands and wives individually, give us a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within each of us! Remove stoney, rebellious, spiteful hearts and replace them with hearts of flesh, filled with your Love, your joy, your peace and a willingness to obey your Word and abide in your will. Then God restore, refresh, renew, and re-energize our marriages. Increase our faith God and draw us so close together that no air can come between us! Cast out abuse, anger, hurt, pain, depression, infidelity, thoughts of suicide, neglect, debt, financial lack, unforgiveness, sickness and disease! God I thank you right now for all you've done and everything you are about to do! I speak it, declare it, decree it and count it done in the precious name of Jesus!