Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Prayer for the New Year

Today I pray for marriages! God first begin with husbands and wives individually, give us a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within each of us! Remove stoney, rebellious, spiteful hearts and replace them with hearts of flesh, filled with your Love, your joy, your peace and a willingness to obey your Word and abide in your will. Then God restore, refresh, renew, and re-energize our marriages. Increase our faith God and draw us so close together that no air can come between us! Cast out abuse, anger, hurt, pain, depression, infidelity, thoughts of suicide, neglect, debt, financial lack, unforgiveness, sickness and disease! God I thank you right now for all you've done and everything you are about to do! I speak it, declare it, decree it and count it done in the precious name of Jesus!


  1. Charity this is so powerful! Thanks for this prayer. Also you bio really touched my heart. I also got married at 18 it's been almost 8 years for us. I am praying that we keep God at the center of our marriage to continue to make it through the years. Thank you for allowing God to use you.

    1. Awe! I'm just grateful to God for using me and giving me an opportunity to connect with women like you! I'm praying for you earnestly!


My expectations: NO MALE BASHING! Debate and difference of opinion are okay as long as it is done with LOVE and respect. We will not all see eye to eye on everything but we will be respectful and considerate of one another. We will not put each other down because our issues are different we will lift each other up in word and in deed. When you post your comment it is not immediately viewable to you. Its emailed to me first then I publish it. So don't worry because you don't see it, it's there.