Friday, January 25, 2013

Losing in order to GAIN!

So often we have heard the saying you have to lose in order to gain. We often apply this to dieting or weight loss methods. Losing weight to gain better health. Or we apply it to relationships in the physical realm. Shedding negative people or relationships in order to make room for positive people or positive relationships. But I propose that we apply this to our spiritual relationship with Christ.

The Apostle Paul was a very poignant example of giving up everything so that he might gain Christ. Paul said: But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; (Philippians 3:7-10 KJV) Paul took all his degrees, his knowledge, and his accolades and counted them all as dung, as trash, that he might gain Christ. He wanted to KNOW Christ!

I think about myself and how I thought I knew Christ because I was born and raised in the church, I went to church 3-4 times a week, I was a preachers kid, I didn't wear pants and didn't do this and didn't do that. But that wasn't knowing Christ! Because in all that, I couldn't forgive my enemies, I didn't love as Christ commanded me to, and as long as I thought nobody saw my sin I thought I was saved. I often tell my husband I used to know what love was, now I know what love does! I thought I knew Christ but it wasn't until I lost a lot of things that I came to truly KNOW Christ!

Not only did I leave my job, my home, my hometown, my children, my family, and my friends. But I had to leave sin behind! I had to lose my self righteous attitudes, perceptions, thoughts and ideas, my self righteous emotions, feelings, habits, principles, and ego. As well as some relationships and some intellect and qualifications that I thought made me who I am! My husband and I NEVER could have made it this far if we had not gotten rid of our individual egos, perceptions, expectations, self righteousness, so called knowledge, ideas and principles and made room for Christ to dwell in us and in our home. As long as our home was filled with our way of doing things Christ stood on the outside of the door waiting for us to let Him in.

Sometimes our fine house, car, bank account and Ivy League education aren't the only things that separate us from Christ. It's sin! It's time to give up our self righteousness! Our habits, emotions, addictions, ideas, attitudes, perceptions and egos need to be lost and counted as trash so that we can gain Christ! God wants to posses and dwell in our entire being! And he can't reside in us if his space is cluttered with self righteousness! Some things just don't matter when compared to the benefits of knowing Him and gaining eternal life!

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21 KJV)


  1. My goodness, Charity, I love your honesty in the posts I have read and even in your "about me" description. I love the realness and how you are trying to let God use you to encourage others. I would like to pass onto you my blog, too, about my journey with God and how I learned to be a "sweetly broken" child of God after struggling with being a child of divorce. God can and does use us for His kingdom if we will live aunthentic lives in complete, humble dependence on Him.
    And that's why I love seeing your honesty. You don't seem like you are trying to "teach" as much as you are trying to come alongside others and help them by being real about your journey. Keep it up and God bless you! If you are interested, my blog is Take care and God bless! - Heather K

    1. I wish God's continued blessings and favor upon you Heather! I am so thankful that you can see and hear my heart in the posts that I have written! I only have one life goal and that is to be used for God's glory! I will certainly be sure to check out your blog! Praise God for the things he has done in your life!

  2. It's so ironic how that when we make up our mind to follow after Christ and HIS righteousness, that it affects so many others. It seems that everyone has an opinion as to what is right for you. And if you allow yourself to be persuaded by their opinions, you will NEVER do what God requires of you to do. And therefore, you will miss the FULLNESS of His blessing that He has prepared JUST FOR YOU! Stepping outside of my comfort zone in order to obey God cost me a lot as well. Family ties were broken. Friends were lost. Thirty & forty year relationships I considered dear were severed. Twenty year position on my job was lost. Financial stability for retirement was lost...BUT GOD!!!! I have learned to "Obey God and leave the consequences to Him!" (Charles Stanley). And HIS consequences are "exceedingly, abundantly above all that I can ask or think"! PRAISE GOD!!!!

    1. It is very ironic! Often times we are following after other people who don't have a heaven or a hell to put us in instead of following Christ! Those are the kinds of relationships that need to be lost! I can't even imagine where my life would be had I put my home, my friends, my job, even my children above what I knew God told me to do!! My GOD!!!!! I thank Him daily for giving me a willing heart and mind to follow after and serve Him!


My expectations: NO MALE BASHING! Debate and difference of opinion are okay as long as it is done with LOVE and respect. We will not all see eye to eye on everything but we will be respectful and considerate of one another. We will not put each other down because our issues are different we will lift each other up in word and in deed. When you post your comment it is not immediately viewable to you. Its emailed to me first then I publish it. So don't worry because you don't see it, it's there.