Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lay down and take it or stand up and fight!

In my quiet time earlier today I was praying and God reminded me of some things I want to share with you. As I've stated before my number one goal is to encourage you to have faith in God no matter what it looks like in your storm. However I keep getting responses like, you don't know how hard it is, you don't know what I have been through. Well I beg to differ. At age 18 I got pregnant in my first semester of college, and 4 months after my son was born I was pregnant again. That sent me into my first depression. After moving back to Michigan from South Carolina, my family of 4 lived with my parents in a 2 bedroom apartment for 4 years where I got pregnant again and was fired from my job for being pregnant. That brought on depression number 2. Experiencing emotional and sometimes verbal abuse caused me to be clinically diagnosed depressed for the first time. Being divorced after being cheated on and cheating, and going through Hell I was diagnosed depressed again! I fight depression every single day! Am I perfect NO! Do I lose some days YES! But I get up the next morning and I fight even harder. Here is my point, whatever feelings, emotions, situations, or issues you feed that's what will grow. As long as you justify your depression, your anxiety, your stress and your fears they will consume you! The moment you take a stand and say I will bless The Lord at all times, I will not be defeated, my faith will not be shaken today, just watch how that thing turns around. We've all been through the fire. But fire purifies us so we can be fit to be used by God! You have to change your perspective! You should not be consumed by the storm if the creator of it is your Father.


  1. I agree, we must die daily. God says to take up our cross and follow after him. This is not based on our terms, or how we feel. Once we choose to follow after Christ we must understand His road map through a prosperous, abundant, eternal life. Your ability to express your story gives hope of faith and walking in our purpose, regardless of our past hurts.

    God predestined each of us, He knows our beginning from the end. Some of what we encounter is due to our own disobedience, lack of faith, fear, self-identity, confidence and many more that keeps us in bondage. I agree we must fight to be FREE from ourselves, against principalities, powers, the rulers of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places.

    I believe the first step to deliverance is being transparent with yourself, so that your life exemplifies that of Christ in order to be a light for others through Him. This is what I strive to do daily.

    LaToya Kidd

    1. I am not even sure how I discovered this blog but I am glad I did because some of things you ladies talk about is related to me. I have a problem with trust because of what I went through in my past, now it is hard for me to give my all in a relationship or friendship because I think everyone is out to hurt me. I am in the process now of getting close to God and feeling better about myself but even that has been a struggle for me. But I am trying.

    2. I'm glad you found the blog sis! Take it one day at a time. As you get closer to God you'll understand that trust is found in Him. Trust God and trust the God you see in people. If you don't see God in them you can't trust. Don't allow what has happened in your past to taint your future. You can't live life in fear of being hurt. For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love power and sound mind. 2Timothy 5:7 KJV Trust God to protect your heart and to lead guide and direct you to the right people that will not hurt you. Love you sis. Peace and blessings.

  2. A friend of mines sent the link to your site. I immediately told her it was over that i didn't need it. Im having major issues at this time in my marriage infidelity,trust, public embarrassment on social media. I want to be in s happy marriage but its so damaged. Ive become angry and lashed out and said hurtful things. This is not who i want to be.

    1. Is it truly over or are you just saying its over? If God turned it around would you stay? Do you want God to turn it around?

  3. I want god to turn it around but he has one foot in the house and one foot out. I cant compete with the things that he's doing. It also seems that everything is my fault he's not accountable for anything. Im always fighting to keep my marriage together n he's always out the door. Im not perfect i have my part in this as well. We cant even talk without it getting heated.

    1. I just got up off of my knees praying for you. If you want God to turn it around then prayer and fasting are your weapons. No you can't compete and you shouldn't try. How hard you fight will depend on how bad you want it. Not fighting with words but with prayer and fasting. You have to forgive him, even if it means forgiving him daily and do YOUR part. Show love and respect even when he is not. Be patient and remain steadfast! Be sincere and diligent in prayer! God will turn it around in His time! Don't say it's over, it's not over unless God says its over. Be optimistic, HAVE FAITH believeing God will fix it for you. I'm fasting and praying for you! Love you sister!

    2. Thank you so much for being so kind and not even knowing who i am. I am always praying it has certainly been tough to pray for someone who disrespects you. Your words have really touched me. I will do my part. It just hurts to see things go so wrong.

    3. I understand totally and I hurt because you hurt. You are my sister in Christ and I don't like knowing my sister is hurting. I am praying with and for you daily. Hang in there. Feel free to contact me via email at if you ever need to.


My expectations: NO MALE BASHING! Debate and difference of opinion are okay as long as it is done with LOVE and respect. We will not all see eye to eye on everything but we will be respectful and considerate of one another. We will not put each other down because our issues are different we will lift each other up in word and in deed. When you post your comment it is not immediately viewable to you. Its emailed to me first then I publish it. So don't worry because you don't see it, it's there.