After 15 years of marriage I found myself divorced, and the last thing I wanted was to be married again. Married for the first time at age 18, I was 33 when I got divorced, and I needed time (I felt) to figure out who I was. After all that I had been through I wanted time to heal, learn to Love myself and time to focus on my children. However there are two scriptures that stand out in my mind: (Isaiah 55:8 KJV) For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. And (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV) For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. If those scriptures are any indication you'll know that God had a completely different plan for me than the one I had for myself!
Although separated for quite sometime I was only officially divorced for one month before being re-introduced to the man God had for me. In our very first conversation we both established that we only wanted friendship and whenever I visited Tennessee we could hang out. As you might have guessed already, things very quickly changed from friendship to relationship! From October to January of the following year we became very close and were dating exclusively. I was terrified on the inside because I did not want to be married again! And marrying him meant moving to another state, leaving my job and not having full assurance that my sons were going to want to go with me. My husband had a 4 year old daughter and the whole concept of being a step mom, being remarried and moving away from all of my friends and family was much too overwhelming. But I loved him and I didn't want to be with out him either!
After giving things ALOT of thought, and talking to my parents and talking to my children I was still torn, there was only one thing left to do; FAST AND PRAY! Now when my dad and mom were dating and my dad wanted to know if my mom was his wife or not he asked God to show him through sickness and sickness only, so I decided to do the same! I was sitting on my bed one day in early January and I said ok God here is what I'm going to do. I'm going to fast and pray for 21 days (to show my sincerity) and I want you to show me IN SICKNESS ONLY if this is my husband or not.

You see marriage is not a joke! It isn't something that should be taken lightly. And I couldn't afford to waste any more time outside of God's will for my life. Now certainly everyone does not have to go through the extreme measures that I went through, I had to have a rather painful and intricate surgery, it took me well over 30 days to recover and I have scars on my body that will never go away. But regardless to the consequences I HAD TO BE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN THAT I WAS IN LINE WITH GOD's PLANS FOR MY LIFE!
If you are divorced or if you are single desiring to be married the importance of seeking God first is one that cannot be stressed enough. Don't waste your time, don't waste your life, don't cause your self unnecessary hurt, heartache, drama and pain trying to play matchmaker on your own. I knew my husband for 6 years before we ever dated. The first time we met he was married and so was I, and we never really had much of a conversation outside of me buying a DVD from him to teach my son how to play piano. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would be married! But God new the plan that he had for my life a plan to prosper me and not to harm me, a plan to give me hope and a future!
The past is gone, place your present and your future in God's hands. Let Him orchestrate your life! He can do it so much better than we can because He really does know what is best for us! He knows more about what we need than we do, because He knows us better than we know ourselves and He knows what and who we need in our life to help us do what He has called us to do. His thoughts really are not your thoughts, neither are His ways your ways!
Love you always,
Such a positive store that gives hope to all that feel they are lost
ReplyDeleteThank you for your support! I appreciate you. Keep me in your prayers and I'll do the same for you.
DeleteThis is a real testimony, God will never fail us.
ReplyDeleteNo He won't sis! And I thank Him for not failing me even when I fil Him! Bless you sis!
DeleteHow awesome! I love your outpour of your testimony.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your support! Please keep praying for me!
DeleteGet the support and understanding you need, when you need it. This is outstanding. Exactly what I been looking for. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteLisa Osborne
God bless you sis! I pray that it blessed you! Keep praying for me!
DeleteI got married when I 26 years old and by the time I was 30 my wife decided she didn't want the marriage to continue I tried to reason and talk her into patching things up it didn't work coz niether of us were ready to be married wen we did we only did it coz she had fallen pregnant I prayed and asked GOD to forgive me and her and I just moved on but now I feel I want to get married I am 35 now and every woman I meet is either clueless abt christianity or not dedicated enough or doesn't measure up to my standards I hope and pray that GOD gives me a suitable wife one that I love one that knows what it is to be a christian in truth and in faith I want to trust her with the most intimate details of my life I want to build a life with her share my life hopes desires dreams problems and grow with her in my walk with Christ I want to love her with all my heart mind body and soul become one with her know her anyway his ways are not out ways he knows what plans he has for us my prayer today is lord I seek yea first thyn kingdom and your righteousness and all the good things shall be added unto me Amen.
ReplyDeleteI'm praying with and for you! Remain faithful, God will do His part!
DeleteVery good word my friend it really does give me inspiration seeings though I want to remarry but I had kinda given up on doing so. What I take from this is wait on the Lord and it's not MY will but THY will WILL be done so long as we are obedient to Gods word.
ReplyDeleteLove ya, Tiff C.
Nice blog thanks for sharing the story, checkout my blog at
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So many today marry for all the wrong reasons. As Christians, God will speak to our spirit to let us know if we are making the right choice. The Word says the Holy Spirit will GUIDE you into ALL truth. Many times we override that inner small voice that is telling us the TRUTH. Rather, we rely on our own thinking, the opinions of others, and fear of disappointing family & friends. We make life-altering mistakes that we didn't have to. When we learn to TRULY trust GOD, our creator - our manufacturer,we will be blessed every time. God sometimes ALLOWS us to make the mistakes we do as part of the building of our character and our divine nature in Him. Why do we trust others or ourselves before we trust God with every detail of our lives? He cannot fail; He cannot lie! BEFORE He formed Jeremiah in the belly, He knew him and ordained his life. It is the same for us. God knows what we need. Husbands and wives were created to "Complete" each other, not "Compete" with each other. If something is nagging at your spirit causing you to doubt your choice for a mate, it is probably that "still small voice" of God. LISTEN & OBEY!!! Your life depends on it!