I took a break from my Fruit of the Spirit series on SELF CONTROL as I was with family celebrating the home going of my dear aunt. I want to jump back in by discussing how to strengthen self control. As with most anything practice makes perfect. You don't become physically strong by sitting on the couch. You become physically strong by picking up weights and EXERCISING. The only way to gain strength spiritually to have self control or anything else for that matter is to EXERCISE it! Strength comes through obedience to God! Each time you obey God you gain strength. Remember which ever spirit you feed that's the one that will grow. So if you feed a spirit of anger and rage that's the spirit that will grow. If you feed a spirit of self control that's that spirit that will grow.
The problem with us is that we don't truly believe and fully trust that God is who He says He is and will do what He said He will do. If we have been done wrong then we allow our selves to lose control in an effort to fight our own battle. Or if you suffer with depression its because you don't have the self control to ward off all the negative thoughts and emotions that are flooding your mind. Perhaps your lack of self control has caused you to become a workaholic; always working when your spouse and children need you to play your role in their lives. What ever area you lack self control in at the very root of it you'll find that you're lacking Faith and Trust in God. It's not up to us to fight our battles, it's not up to us to supply all our needs, there is no point in being overwhelmed by our struggles and disappointments when God said the battle is His, He will supply ALL our needs and ALL things work together for the good of them that Love Him.
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