To submit to anyone less than Christ is difficult in a marriage. Yet it is Christ who commands women to be submissive to their sinful, fallible husbands. In this sense Christ is the silent partner of the marriage. It is hard for a wife to submit when she disagrees with her husband. But when she knows her submission is an act of obedience to Christ and honors Christ, it is much less difficult. ~ R. C. Sproul
On my Facebook page I asked what your beliefs are about submission. I read many different beliefs and opinions, here is my response to it all.
The Word says Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. (Ephesians 5:22-24 KJV). The Word of God is the standard. It is the authority upon which I base my beliefs. This scripture says to submit to the husband as unto The Lord in EVERY THING. Even though there is mutual submission in marriage, she submits to his lead he submits to her need, the wife still has the greater responsibility to submit. The husband should be the final authority in the household.
While it is the hope of most women that the husband seeks and is lead by God and that he ultimately submits to God, that is not always the case. The condition upon which God gave for us to submit is " IN EVERY THING". The Word does not say only submit if you agree, or only submit if it makes you comfortable, or only submit if it benefits you, or only submit if your husband is submitting to God, it says submit in EVERY THING. The only time submission is not required is when what your husband is asking you to do is in direct opposition to the Word of God. SIN!
So many women have become so accustomed to running the household (because many have to), because many men are out of their place which has caused us to get out of ours. This shift has caused us to get away from what God has commanded us to do. And many feel justified because of the nature of the situation they are in. We are breaking down our bodies, causing ourselves unnecessary stress, inviting disease, bringing on heartache and heartbreak, and sending ourselves to a early grave because we are out of place and in some cases not at all willing to be submissive to a man.
Submission is a difficult subject because it makes one "feel" powerless. But being powerless simply means God I give myself totally and completely over to you and I trust you totally with my life and with the heart of my husband. It is most helpful also to remember that I am not submitting to my husband, I am ultimately submitting to Christ! And I submit to Christ because I love Him with my whole heart. My inability to submit to my husband shows my true inability to submit to Christ.
Women are much more powerful than we give ourselves credit for. I know most of you think the power is in the sexual organ between your legs, but that is not what I mean. IF WE DO OUR PART REGARDLESS TO WHAT OUR HUSBAND DOES and fast and pray for our husband we will see change in our marriages beyond belief!!! In my first marriage I submitted only when it was comfortable, or beneficial for me. And I took on far too much of the role of a husband than a wife. When I married the second time over and over my husband and I bumped heads in that same area for the first year. Once I relinquished control, got in my place, lined myself up with the Word of God, fasted and prayed, everything I was "so called" fighting for began to work in my favor.
PRAYER! PRAYER! PRAYER! PRAYER! PRAYER! That's your power! Do your part regardless to what your husband does! Obey God and leave the consequences to Him! You'll be amazed at the change you'll see.