Saturday, November 17, 2012

Losing yourself in the pain

After getting a divorce from my children's father to whom I was married for 15 years, I found myself heart broken, depressed and shattered. The people that I thought would be there for me weren't, church family treated me like an outsider, my children's father was unsupportive and we were at odds. Spiritually I was dying, and financially I was sinking. My truck was repossessed and after six short months of being in my own home I found myself homeless. Life was not at all the way I expected it to be and I found myself feeling isolated and alone. I had to send my children back to live with their father and it seemed that I had nothing and no one that I could turn to for support. I began to question my faith and the part of me that I thought was dead and buried began to emerge again. Crying myself to sleep became a daily activity and alcohol became my drink of choice. If I could have a couple glasses of wine and sleep from the time I got off of work until the next morning then maybe I wouldn't hurt so bad. Satan had me to believe that I wasn't worthy of God's Love, I was fat, I was undersirable, I was broke, my life up to this point hadn't amounted to anything and I was doomed to fail. I was so good at smiling on the outside and convincing everyone that I was fine when on the inside I was lost in all the pain. My whole life had fallen apart right before my eyes and although I made several attempts to find my way back to Christ and restore my relationship with him, it never seemed to last very long before I was right back in my painful pit.

In October of that year I was reacquainted with my now husband. We had our first date in October and married the following April. I gathered all my things, quit my job and moved from Michigan to Tennessee without a second thought. I thought a fresh start was exactly what I needed to get back on track. Being in Tennessee with no family, no friends, no church family, no church home, no job, no children and married to someone I really didn't know very well only increased the pain, loneliness and isolation that I was already feeling inside. I felt as if I were in a desert all alone! I longed just to feel God's presence but I was so lost in all the pain that it felt as if he wasn't even there. In my mind even God had deserted me. The pain in my heart was so great that I reached the point of wanting to take my life again. "If I could just jump off this bridge, everything will be alright" is what I told myself.

As I stood outside in the sun one day enjoying the view of the hills in front of me, I began to cry and ask God to please fill me with His spirit. I prayed God please take away this pain and emptiness and God whispered that He had never left me alone. All the time I had been living without regard to Him, I was so lost in my pain that I had lost who I was, I had not been walking in my calling or looking to Him to supply my needs yet HE WAS STILL RIGHT THERE! The whole time I had been living on His Grace and His Mercy and I didn't even realize it. It was because of Him that I didn't jump off of that bridge. It was because of Him that I survived depression not once, not twice, but three times. Satan's plan was to destroy me and keep me off of the path God had set for me. God's Love, His Grace and His Mercy that helped me to break through the pain, and lay aside those heavy weights so that I could be what He called me to be.

I had to stand before God broken, open and vulnerable. Acknowledging that all that I needed was in Him. No man, no marriage, no new state or new start could make me whole! I had to shed the hurt, anger, insecurities, self doubt, depression, loneliness, unforgiveness, and resentment and allow God to heal me in His own way, in His own time, through His word and my relationship with him. It was through fasting and prayer that I was able to shed the old me and become a new creature. Once God began to heal me it was only then that I could look back and see how satan had clouded my mind, and clouded my judgement and caused me to lose sight of the path that God had laid out for me.

To my sisters who are hurting; sometimes that pain is so great and the reasons for that pain are so real, but our God is a healer!! He doesn't just heal sickness and disease but he will heal your broken heart. Psalms 147:3 says "He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds". It doesn't matter how great the pain is or what you've done that makes you believe you deserve that pain! God is standing there with His arms out stretched waiting to pick you up, restore you and place you back on the path He has set out for you! Remember there is nothing that you can do to stop Him from Loving you and there is nothing you can do to deserve His Love. Just give Him your whole heart! Don't get lost in the pain, let faith and fasting, prayer and praise be your weapons against the enemy's attack. Be encouraged my sisters I am praying with and for you daily!


  1. Once again, my sweet daughter, your ability to be "raw" (I know the preferred word today is: transparent but pain and depression leaves you raw, exposed, vulnerable). I know what it feels like to lie, literally, prostrate before God -- alone -- in the dark -- on the floor; begging for your sanity and questioning yourself because surely there is something I have done that has brought me to the place. I was blessed. At every low point I turned to God. Not alcohol. Not drugs. Not another man. But still, I WAS YOU!!!Some things the Lord allowed me to experience I don't think I would have survived had I had the same "church family" that I'd grown up with. The silence. The judgment. The condemnation from the people I loved would've TRULY broken me.We could not say: I hurt. I have pain. I need help and risk having our faith in God questioned; our ability to cook, clean and take care of the children recited to us as the way to"keeps" one's husband! In my valley experience I have learned this: If God does not keep your spouse, YOU CAN NOT! I share with you also the stark reality that God really is a jealous God. I did not know I had put my husband before Him. And when He showed me that -- after I had suffered awhile -- I was shocked, in denial and finally humbled and repentant! I apologized to our Lord and went about re-prioritizing my life. I started to seek Him differently and, therefore, I was open to hear Him differently. Although, my love, my heart, my husband IS my head; God wants to be FIRST in my life. Though I had not been unfaithful, I asked God to give me a desire that was ONLY FOR MY HUSBAND; I asked Him to fill me with His love according to I Corinthians the 13th chapter. I wasn't born with that so I had to ask for it. I asked for HIS peace, His joy that allowed me to be in a situation where I was not always happy with the condition; but God's joy was always bubbling up inside me because His joy is not predicated on "conditions". I am not always happy with what my husband or children do;but, man, do they bring me joy. When you lose yourself in your pain many times others see it before you and yet repel because they don't want to know "that part" of you. No one wants to be around when you don't want to get out of bed, don't want to get dressed or -- as was with the case for me after awhile -- don't want to leave the house. After awhile you don't even want company because it gives you anxiety and the lists goes on and on. There is an answer; however, a solution if you will. Get in RIGHT RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD --I don't mean go to church on Sunday AND give your tithes -- RELATIONSHIP with Him is the cure for all that ails us. Stay strong. Live well. Love God

    1. Mom you bless me every time!!! Each time you show me another aspect of my former and sometimes current self! Your wisdom is priceless and I cannot thank you enough for sharing it with me, with us all!!!

  2. I have known that pain.. You don't know how to make it stop. Your willingness to be open is like a salve that is able to heal other people. Thank you sister.

    1. God bless you my sister, and thank you so much for your love and support! God is the healer, I'm just His vessel!

  3. I thank God for leading me to this post today and I thank Him for healing you as only He can. You have no idea how much you have encouraged my heart! THANK YOU for sharing ...Love & Blessings! S

    1. I am overwhelmed that God would use me to encourage your heart! My father always said our trials are not only for us but to help others that may be going through!Be encouraged sis, no matter what it looks like God never fails! Love you!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I give up, I tried two times already to writers you. I give up, have to try and write you on computer not phone. I need the prayers of the righteous praying for my home. Pray for me wife of over 19 years, with children. Satan has my husband and some of children. There is power in prayer. I want my marriage and home. Husband does not want marriage, doing his thing. Have not been husband for over two years. Am I crazy or gutten for punishment? Please pray with me. Thank you!

    1. Hey love! Just breath, God's got you whether you think He does or not, whether it looks like it or not, I promise you He does!! Anytime you comment on my blog your message comes to me via email first then I publish it. So you won't see it right away but once I publish it then it will appear. I AM CERTAINLY PRAYING WITH AND FOR YOU! And I'm going to call my circle of sisters to pray for you, your husband and your family as well. ONE THING YOU MUST KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT, GOD IS ABLE! And it is in our weakness, our most vulnerable times, our darkest afflictions that He is STRONG! Give it to Him COMPLETELY, your husband, your children, your life, and RELAX. Often when it seems the pieces are falling apart they are really falling into place. So rest knowing God has full control and He is working it out for you, and for your good! I love you and I'm keeping you lifted in prayer!

  6. Hello My Sister! It is such a relief to find a blog such as this. Maybe one day I’ll take the time to share my stories with your bloggers. For now, I just want to say “Thank You” for sharing and uplifting my spirit tonight!


My expectations: NO MALE BASHING! Debate and difference of opinion are okay as long as it is done with LOVE and respect. We will not all see eye to eye on everything but we will be respectful and considerate of one another. We will not put each other down because our issues are different we will lift each other up in word and in deed. When you post your comment it is not immediately viewable to you. Its emailed to me first then I publish it. So don't worry because you don't see it, it's there.